My ideas aren't very anime related, I just liked the look of the blog!
Idea 1) I was looking at a whole range of writting styles and types of writing and something I came across that amused me was recipes! I wonder if it would be possible to write a story in the form of a recipe!? 100 points for originality I'm sure, but kinda sounds hard.
Idea 2) Some tragic or violent story re-written in a rythmic ryhming poem-esque style like Dr. Suess? I've always loved black humour and that sort of format would be great fun.
Idea 3) Humour anyone? Black Adder/Monty Python based fanfic would be great. We would kinda have our work cut out for us trying to compete with those great writers though.
How's that for a couple of rough ideas? Tell me your thoughts! (feel free to shoot down any stupid ideas ^_^ )
Sounds real cool! I'll follow this as you develope it.
Thanks Audrey. I was really hoping you could give me your opinions and some feedback, so I could use that to develop my ideas further? I'll be glad to give you lenghty feedback on your ideas in return!
Bevan(not sure if I have the spelling of your name right?Pls correct.
First can you clarify for me-
Idea 1. Your writing style suggested. Do you mean write in the form of food recipe or what recipe? (Please excuse my ignorance!)
Anyway it sounds original!!
Spelling is correct Audrey! Actually I just wrote about you (hope you don't mind) on Fanfic One, and was wondering about the spelling, but I just checked it now and I was correct *whew*.
Well it's only an idea I'm playing with, but let's start with a very simple example for 3 little pigs, to steal the idea from lest year:
Porque a la Brique Housse
3 whole pigs (not too lean)
1 whole wolf (other canine species are OK)
Straw, wood (enough to be blown over in approx. 2~3 puffs)
Bricks (Approx. 1 tonne)
Place one pig in straw and set pigs confidence on HIGH for 20~30 minutes (or until golden brown).
etc etc ...
It's dumb, but it was kind of the direction I was thinking of taking it. (obviously if I did, I would make it a bit more clever though)
This sounds like a very interesting and new way of doing a fanfiction. I defintetly think it is a good idea, the only thing I could say would be that do you think you could use 800 words in a recipe format? Like so far it has been quite easy to do but as u get further along with the development and plot of your fanfition, would it become quite complicated to achieve this?
I am not saying its not worth trying, just something I thought about when reading your ideas...
True, an 800 word recipe is a little impossible .... I was also turning a story into a poem or something as well, but an 800 word poem is a litle difficult too isn`t it. What about one short and simple story written in lots of different formats? Taking the 3 little pigs as an example; get the weird recipe thing, a poem, some digital art, and a few other things and combine that all into some sort of "cross-media" thing.
I always have to make things complicated but maybe something like that is better for me because I have such a short attention span.
I've pulled out a couple of my more interesting Recipe books-Don't know if this helpful: one is "Maire Claire" Cooking by Donna Hay. She 1st has an INTRODUCTION about this particular type of cooking which uses fresh Ingredients, uncomplicated layers of flavours which will complement and contrast your base ingredients. Then before she gives the individual recipes for she has a short narrative about the what she calls the "BASICS" - e.g. Meats - Steamimg; Roasting;Char-grilling; Stir Frying. "STORING" the dos and dont's. Then the differnt recipes. This is the layout of this recipe book .
Then the second Recipe Book "The Best of Italty- has an Introduction explaining the culinary treasures of Italy- the frittatas; the pasta the desserts etc Then before each section e.g "Antipasti" there's a short expaination of these appetizers- "The world has come to recognise "antipasti".....
Wonder if this info might help to give further ideas?
Thanks Audrey!
That`s some *pun alert* food for thought. I`m sorry, that was terrible, shoot me now!
If they were online resources, could I have links?
The recipe books I referred to are on my kitchen shelf. The "Maire Claire" book may be online but if you want to borrow I'll bring to Class.
Don`t worry Audrey, I have a new idea.
See my new post.
If I could write like the Monty Python gang, I wouldn't need to be at Uni. I could be selling my scripts to the highest bidder.
But, seeing as I can't, I'd still like to give it a go. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, right? So if we could copy them, we'd be hailed as the new Monty Pythin gang.
Hi , Sal here , fanfic 1. Interested to hear 'gennoveus' that you say you're a terrible writer. That's not how it appears to me ; all the ideas blogs you've posted have been quite entertaining and very easy to follow. i.e your style of informal writing is enagaging. I think the fact that the brief is so broad is quite daunting. It does render one rather hesitant to commit to an idea however given that your writing allows the reader a sense of natural involvment you possibly need to pick anything , commit to it, and be done with it. Just an idea!
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